My great friend Terry Fischer reminded me just yesterday about the Venus/Mercury conjunction of today. I wasn't hopeful at all due to the "rainy season" here in Northeast Brazil, all these days have been raining a lot. But even so I had set up the alarm to ring for it. Luck was on my side, I had a hole of clear sky among the clouds, just enough to see the two planets. It didn't last long, but I was able to take some frames and elect one to be published.

So obviously special thanks to Terry Fischer and to Catarina Dantas.

Author: Fernando Schuindt
License: CC BY 4.0
Camera: Canon EOS 600d
Lens/Telescope: Zuiko Oympus 300mm f/4.5 Manual-Focus OM (Film) Lens
Composition: 1x Light Frame 1" ISO400 f/32
Processing: Photoshop Crop, Camera Raw Filter, Levels Adjustment
Location Name: Aracaju - Sergipe, Brazil
Location Aprox. Coordinates: 10°58'31.0"S 37°04'26.0"W
Timestamp (Local Time): 05-21-2020 17:45:13
Theme: Venus and Mercury conjunction
Other Gear: OM Lens to Canon EOS adapter, generic tripod.