A second attempt over my September 5th picture, this time gathering more data. Jupiter got significantly improved but I prefer the Saturn of the previous one.
But here is it:
Author: Fernando Schuindt
License: CC BY 4.0
Camera: Canon EOS 600d
Lens/Telescope: Meade ETX 90 (OTA-only) (90mm aperture, 1250mm focal length, f/13.88, Maksutov-Cassegrain)
Location Name: Aracaju - Sergipe, Brazil
Location Aprox. Coordinates: 10°58'31.0"S 37°04'26.0"W
Other Gear: Meade LX85 GEM (unguided, no alignment), Canon EOS to M42 adapter, M42 to 1.25" adapter, Celestron Omni 2x Barlow
Full Resolution Images: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bjE8BSbU5iTLKrqj7
Theme: Jupiter
Composition: aprox. 25' long, 6.83GB .MOV raw. (3 files in total)
Processing: PIPP pre-processing, AutoStakkert frame stacking, RegiStax 6 post-processing and Photoshop Camera Raw Filter
Timestamp (Local Time): 08-09-2020 20:50:00 (aprox.)
Timestamp (UTC): 08-09-2020 23:50:00 (aprox.)
Theme: Saturn
Composition: aprox. 28' long, 8.13GB .MOV raw. (4 files in total)
Processing: PIPP pre-processing, AutoStakkert frame stacking, RegiStax 6 post-processing and Photoshop Camera Raw Filter
Timestamp (Local Time): 08-09-2020 21:30:00 (aprox.)
Timestamp (UTC): 09-09-2020 00:30:00 (aprox.)